I remember some of our first family gatherings in Mastic Beach around 1951, when my two uncles and their familys showed up and my grandparents from down the road , we had about 15-20 people at our house,which was crowded with just us 5….most of our entertaining was done outside. At Moss Lots crowding was not a problem
I am hoping that Merritt Penney’s grandson Arthur might be able to identify a few people in these scenes
The three young girls are Doris, Leora, Ethel…one of their daddy’s Rolls Royce is in the background.
Tea is being served on the Verandah….The third shot shows Bill Dana holding hands with Ethel who is holding hands with her possible maternal grandfather Mr. Webster whois holding hands with Doris who is half out of the frame.
I’m pretty sure that’s Alberta B Dana on the left holding her daughter Ethel’s hand and I believe the elders are Alberta’s parents The Websters.
I know for sure that is THE ALBERTA B moored out beyond the dock
Alberta B Dana about 1925
The Dana Estate employed about 25 Local Mastic and Moriches people. These could well be some of them.